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Western New York Gluten Free Diet Support Group
Meetings and Events

2024/2025 Meeting Schedule

All meetings will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst, 6320 Main Street, Williamsville, NY and will begin at 10 am unless otherwise noted.


Saturday, March 8

Chef Julie Murphy demonstrating how to cook well, gluten free!



Saturday, October 5

Speaker Sharron Hickman, RN, FMHC, WHE, EPC speaking on Bone Health and Celiac Disease


2025 Meeting TBA


Special Events 


A few times a year, we organize group dining events. These events provide the opportunity for the participating restaurant to become aware of and comfortable with preparation of GF cuisine. Our members really look forward to these events not only for worry-free dining, but also for the opportunity for fellowship and mutual support. 


Past Meetings
April 20, 2024: Dr. Gelfond, MD, WNY Pediatric Gastroenterology completed his Celiac Disease overview presentation.
February 17, 2024: Dorothy Johnston, Professor Emeritus at SUNY ECC spoke on Culinary Medicine
October 7, 2023: Julie Murphy presented on Gluten Free Baking with Julie Murphy

Saturday, April 29, 2023: Dr. Daniel Gelfond, MD (WNY Pediatric Gastroenterology) presented an overview of celiac disease.

Saturday, February 25, 2023: Andrea Langston, MS, CNS, CDN (Thrive Nutrition & Wellness) discussed Celiac Disease and Additional Dietary Considerations: Oxalates


Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022: Kelly Cardamone, MS, RDN, CDCES, CDN, IFNCP discussed Celiac Disease and Diabetes


June 11, 2022: General Meeting at Kith & Kin Bake Shop & Bistro


Saturday, April 30, 2022: Dr. Gelfond, Pediatric Gastroenterologist discussed updates and news in the celiac disease community


Saturday, February 12, 2022

Speaker: Dr. Tammy Bialek, Bialek Chiropractic

How Chiropractic Care Influences Your Body's Healing Ability



February 8

Updates and Developments in Celiac Disease

Speaker: Dr. Daniel Gelfond

WNY Pediatric Gastroenterology


November 9

Eating for Energy

Andrea Langston, MS, CNS, CDN, Thrive Nutrition & Wellness


September 14

Holistic Health

Sharron Hickman, RN, WHE, EPC



June 8
Annual Business Meeting


April 13
Mindfulness and Meditation for Digestive Wellness
Jennifer Gress, Life on Purpose





February 9

Heart Healthy Gluten Free Meals

Jessica Meyers Altman, the Garden Fresh Foodie


Saturday, November 10

Andrea Langston, MS, CNS, CDN of Thrive Nutrition and Wellness showed us how to prepare healthy and easy gluten free meals and provided samples and recipes.


Saturday, September 15

Jean Stinson of Karuna Yoga Buffalo discussed yoga and digestion.


Annual Business Meeting and Make-Your-Own Yogurt Parfait Bar

Saturday, June 9 at Unitarian Universalist Church


Saturday, April 14 at Mount Mercy Academy

Sara Jank, RD told us “How Wegmans Cares”



Saturday February 10

"The Low FODMAP Diet for Celiac Disease"

by Andrea Langston, MS, CNS, CDN

Thrive Nutrition & Wellness



November 11

Program: "Supplements to Improve Your Health and How to Eat Well at the Holidays" by June Knoerzer, RDN, CDN


September 9

Program: "Recent Developments in Celiac Disease" by Dr. Daniel Gelfond (WNY Pediatric Gastroenterology)


June 17 at 10:00 am Mount Mercy Academy

Annual Business Meeting and Continental Breakfast


April 8 at 10:00 am Unitarian Universalist Church

Program: Tai Chi demonstration by Lisa Rood


March 19 - Gluten Free Brunch at Brookfield Country Club 11:00 am



February 11 at 10:00 am Mount Mercy Academy

Topic: "Finding Gluten Free Whole Grains"


December 10, 2016 - Holiday Luncheon at The Roycroft Inn, in East Aurora.


November 12, 2016 - 10am 

Unitarian Universalist Church 6320 Main Street, Williamsville 
Topic: “Enjoying The Holidays on a Gluten Free Diet.”


September 2016 Speaker - Andrea Langston, MS - Nutritionist, Thrive Nutrition & Wellness, LLC

Topic: Gluten Free Life: Hidden Sources of Gluten and Cross Contamination



We are always looking for ideas for speakers at upcoming meetings.  Let us know if you have an idea or a guest speaker in mind.